Robin Hood Caravan Park

Robin Hood Caravan Park
Luxury Caravans for hire and sale

Friday, March 19

More courses - but a good week!

Its been a really hectic week - Damian had 2 days helping out at our sister park at the beginning of the week Crows Nest Caravan Park but hopefully all the trees have been planted now. Beki has been on more training courses - a couple in customer service and one in marketing so she is busy building on her ideas - its just finding the time. With two small children it is vital to find the right work/home balance particularly when working from home.

We are being inspected for the awards tomorrow so nerves are building. Both Beki and Damian know the site is looking its best - just hoping for a bit of sunshine now. We aren't sure how the lady is going to judge us in the same category as luxury houses, apartments. Only in these awards are the two sectors (self-catering and caravan parks) put together but we feel confident in our abilities. It will just be an agonising wait until the winners are announced.

Friday, March 12

Its been an up and down week!

Its been one of those weeks where neither of us have stopped yet don't seem to have anything to show for it. I console myself with the knowledge that had we not done this weeks jobs the guests would have been able to tell - thats the most important thing. It can be quite frustrating when a seasonal or owner tells us we don't seem to have done much while they have been away but if the grass hadn't been cut, the weeds not dealt with, the facilities not been clean, lighting not maintained - they would have been the first to complain.

The freezing temperatures meant bursts this week - can't be helped - we've had to put the water onto some of our pitches for our guests but temperatures of -5 at night have lead to frozen pipes. I don't know how people cope on parks that are open during the winter months. The bursts have been on outside pipes so luckily haven't led to any damage - just frustration! Lets hope the night time temperatures are going to start climbing.

The "up" of the week happened on Wednesday when we received a letter from Visit York to say we had been shortlisted for the Self Catering/Caravan Park of the Year award. So exciting - we still have a mystery phone call and site inspection to go through but to get onto the shortlist is an honour in itself. We have been to a number of award dinners to celebrate the success of our sister site Jasmine Park so we are thrilled that its our turn now.

Friday, March 5

What will she think of next?

We are now dreading the next course the boss goes on as she comes back with some many ideas! Here is the latest - youtube!

Wednesday, March 3

Do we or don't we?

Do we or don’t we? That is THE question. Beki has been on a couple of search engine optimisation courses lately and one of the suggestions was blogging. She is no good at creative writing – never has been and was told by a friend not to try it! Maybe he knows her too well – she’ll witter on about absolutely anything and probably do more harm than good – so this blog is being written by everyone connected with Robin Hood Caravan Park – managers of the park and of our sister sites Crows Nest Caravan Park and Jasmine Caravan Park, suppliers, fellow accommodation supplier, reps and most importantly the guests – we’ll give it a whirl – if it works then woohoo and if not – that friend would be right!