As a finalist in the Self-Catering/Caravan Park of the Year Award nerves were high but there was also a sense of excitement as we entered the Great Hall of the National Railway Museum. Men wearing tuxedos and ladies in their gorgeous dresses and highest heels were looking around the trains. Helping ourselves to champagne we wandered around the turntable with huge steam trains all around us mingling with 400 guests from across the tourism and hospitality industry.
We were then called to “follow the band” through to the station hall where the awards ceremony was to take place. I’d only ever taken that walk in trainers – never imagined to be doing it in three inch heels! Note to guests – easier to do it in trainers.
Its time to settle down, get the wine open, browse through the menu and grab the freebie pens. The evening was hosted by Gervase Phinn, writer and poet, and he soon put everyone at their ease.

Once the other awards were out of the way we tucked into a lovely meal. Warm tart of asparagus and Shepherds Purse Yorkshire Blue Cheese followed by Roast Rump of Dales lamb – yummy - all washed down with equally lovely wine.
After the meal we hit the casino – all for charity with no real money changing hands – shame really we would have come home with a fortune. We didn’t go home completely empty handed – Dad won the magnum of champagne in the prize draw in aid of Marie Currie York and I was allowed to take some balloons home to our daughters. A good night was had by all and we'll try again next year