I don't normally write about personal stuff on here - in fact its a while since I've written anything on here but I have just had one of those conversations with my 8 year old that I want to remember for ever! Where better place to log it.
I was happily driving along with her in the front next to me and her friend in the back when she suddenly said "There's a bar around here". Now anyone local will know that the back roads from Malton to Castle Howard through Easthorpe and Coneysthorpe do not have a bar on so I didn't have a clue where this information had come from:
Mummy: What makes you say that?
Child: There was a road sign back there like one of Daddy's birthday card and it is for a bar.
Mummy: There aren't any bars around here - I don't think you did
Child: It said it was a bar on Daddy's card. The sign with 2 hills on it means that there is a drunk woman on the road in front of us
At this point Mummy nearly crashes the car into the nearest ditch at the same time as thinking that I need to put a warning out to people not to send Daddy those cards!
Back to driving along the dark, country roads when another random thought is mentioned:
Child: When I have a baby I'm going to call it Stephanie or Bethany - anything with thanie on the end of it really
Mummy: Thats nice but not something you really need to be worried about just yet
Child: I've already found my husband. "Child C has asked me to be more than friends"
Mummy, nearly crashing the car, asked when this happened
Child: In my bedroom on Xmas Eve - he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes
Mummy: Aww thats nice but you should be a bit older.
Child: We are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend, then husband and wife, then mummy and daddy, then Grandma and Grandad, then we'll die
Mummy is now rapidly trying to change the subject!
We safely drop her friend off and I quickly go through what my child has said just in case her child mentions any of it.
Of course on the way home she starts again:
Child: I'll have to think of some other names Mummy
Mummy: Why?
Child: Well if I call her Bethany someone at school might call her Better Knees and I don't want her to be teased
Mummy: Very thoughtful of you and you will have lots of time to think about it.
Child: You know "Child X" from school - you told me I have to be nice to him/her so he/she will be nice back
Mummy: Yes (now wondering if i'm having to chat to the head in the morning)
Child: Well, i don't like him/her and don't think I'll ever like him/her so i'm not going to bother.
Moral of the Tale: Daddy can do the Brownie run next week!