Robin Hood Caravan Park

Robin Hood Caravan Park
Luxury Caravans for hire and sale

Wednesday, March 13

A new season....

It's hard to believe that we've only been open for 12 days - it's gone passed in a flash and we have already done so much. We replaced nine of our carqvans over the winter season and they are now ready with aerials, steps and fridges - all ready to sell or to hire out to guests. All electric and gas checks are complete and we can look forward to the eight months ahead.

Sadly, the temperatures have turned against us over the last couple of days and frozen pipes have caused a couple of niggly problems. I think everyone has had enough of the cold and the snow now - it's time to look forward to Spring.

What does the season have in store?

Who knows! The great thing about our job is that we wake up not knowing what is going to happen. We can plan our day out at 9am and by 9.30am something could have happened which will change the course of the day. Take today for example, an unexpected gas delivery has meant that the caravan itinerary that we were supposed to complete hasn't been done yet. There is always tomorrow....

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